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Long-time members Patti and Louis Grossman pictured here in front of the rescued Holocaust Scroll which they were instrumental in bringing to TBS. Photo taken Summer of 2013. |
You may know that this Scroll is one of many recovered Scrolls which the Nazis planned on either destroying or displaying in museums to document their efforts in eradicating the Jewish people. You may also know that the Scroll is on loan to our community as part of an effort to show the resilience and triumph of the Jewish spirit. What you may not know is that over 1600 recovered Czech Torah Scrolls have been on loan from the Westminster Synagogue (and Memorial Scrolls Trust) to congregations throughout the world for 50 years. On February 9, 2014, many of these Scrolls will be temporarily returned to the Westminster Synagogue for a beautiful ceremony marking these 50 years and the steely resolve to continue to celebrate our Judaism while marking and remembering the lessons of the Holocaust.
Every year, we read from our Holocaust Scroll on Yom Kippur during our Yizkor, or Memorial, service. The memory of those who have passed on is in the front of our mind at this time as we mark and remember their impact in our lives. How meaningful for us as a community that we also mark this moment with a visceral reminder of the power of memory; our Holocaust scroll becomes a visual reminder that the Jewish people lives on, that we are not an exhibit in a museum of a people whose time has passed. This February, when you enter our lobby at TBS and note the temporary absence of our Holocaust scroll, please take the opportunity to reflect on its journey, from its original home in Czechoslovakia, through the hands of the Nazis, to its temporary home in London at the Westminster Synagogue, and to its (we pray) permanent home with us. May the journey inspire you to remember and to commemorate.
--Daniel T. Barkowitz, Executive Director
Here are Rabbi Jay’s words from the Yom Kippur Afternoon Service last September:
Throughout the Middle Ages and beyond the Jewish communities of Europe knew well the experiences of ongoing persecution and anti-Semitic uprisings. Yet throughout, these very same Jewish communities – large and small – continued to find ways to flourish – to bring Judaism to life – and to create. One of these places was the town of Sobeslav in Czechoslovakia. Some time during either the 1700’s or early 1800’s a special sofer – or Torah scribe was called upon to pen a most unique Torah scroll.
This text would be, what is referred to, as a Kabbalistic or mystical scroll….And its writer – specially trained in the art of Kabbalah would scribe each of the letters with particular mystical focus and by using a unique calligraphic style.
Ultimately, it would become a spiritual and sacred work of art that its owners hoped would inspire generations of Jews.
When the Nazi’s rose to power and invaded Czechosolvia – tragically, the Sobeslav scroll – along with thousands of other Torahs in communities across the country-side – was looted and held by the Nazis who sought to destroy every Jew and Jewish community.
However, with the defeat of Nazi Germany, many of the Czech scrolls that had been taken were found and brought to London where they were held by the Westminster Synagogue. Eventually, a number of these Torahs would be shared – on permanent loan – with synagogues around the world as a testament to the hope and promise of a Jewish people which has continually found a way to survive.
A number of years ago, thanks to the work of the Grossman family and Rabbi Sonsino – the mystical Torah scroll of Sobeslav – found its way to its new home, here at Temple Beth Shalom.
While the sign that we have for this Torah states that it was penned in the 19th century – a sofer who recently appraised this text for our community has told us that he believes that it is actually over 300 years old – and is one of the most unique Torahs that he has ever seen.
This coming year – 2014 – happens to be the 50th anniversary of the Westminster Synagogue’s Scroll program. In celebration of this milestone, the leadership of the program has invited ALL of the congregations who have Czech Torah Scrolls to bring them to London for a special ceremony and celebration. I am pleased to share that the Grossmans….and I….and possibly a couple of our lay leaders…..will be traveling to London this coming February to participate in this historic anniversary program. We will be sharing of our experiences when we return.
This afternoon…..as part of our commemoration of Yom Kippur….we will read from the sacred scroll. It is, for us, a living testimony: Ani Ma’amin - to our belief – with complete faith – in the continuity – in the vitality of the Jewish people.
We are very much looking forward to our journey. The Memorial Scrolls Trust has recently updated the historical information that they had shared for many years. They share that there is no evidence that the Scrolls were held by the Nazis and that there was a plan to create a museum. The Scrolls were saved by the Jews of Prague and eventually brought to London. Also.....since sharing words on Yom Kippur, Liana is not able to join us as she is excited to be in a play at school. L'Shalom......R' Jay
ReplyDeleteIt has been such a wonderful experience for the children of our community to participate in the send off of the torah. So powerful to learn about its history.
ReplyDeleteJerry and I visited Sobeslav, where our torah came from, in September, 2013, during a trip to Prague. In anticipation of the trip, I noticed what town our torah scroll came from, and then I discovered that Sobeslav was along the way that we would be travelling from Prague to Czesky Krumlow, a UNESCO Heritage Site south of Prague. We stopped there en route, and our guide quickly was able to find out where the synagogue was located in the town --- on "Jew Street" The synagogue is now a small apartment building, with no indication that it ever was a synagogue. We were able to enter and see the courtyard, thanks to the kindness of the current residents. With Rabbi Jay and a researcher in Prague, we are in the process of trying to get the residents' permission to establish a plaque on the outside of the building that will commemorate the synagogue and show that Jews had lived in this town since the Middle Ages. There are no Jews left in the town. The Nazis deported and killed them. Our torah scroll honors their memory.